Carpenter Bees are solitary bees, usually darker and larger than Honey Bees and Bumble Bees, with a rounder, thicker body. Carpenter Bee's do not sting, but their presence can be a nuisance.
Females chew tunnels in wood in which they lay their eggs. Their eggs are sealed with a food coating derived from pollen and nectar. This coating is what sustains them when they winter.
Nest tunnels in wood are often 5 inches long with an entrance about 1/2 an inch wide. Tunneling by many bees over long periods of time can damage siding, windowsills, eaves, outdoor furniture and fences.
Carpenter Bee's like non-treated, non-painted wood best, but have been known to live in all types of wood. Our Pest Technicians will located these Nest Tunnels and effectively deal with your problem.